This year’s Heritage Hog, Shamrock heads to the auction at the Santa Clara county fair on Saturday, August 4th, weighing in at 259 pounds. Coming into this, I knew that I would get more out of it then just the scholarship. Raising this year’s heritage hog came with its own challenges, especially when he got ulcers. I had to contact a vet, administer medication, and change his feeding program in order to help him. I had to learn how to write speeches and how to market myself and the foundation to outside groups. I am so thankful for this experience and growth that I have gained this season. I am grateful to the Clover Foundation for the opportunities they have provided me as I head of to college at the University of Nevada Reno this fall.
Iloana Mauro, 2018 Heritage Hog Winner
I am Ilona Mauro. At school I am known for my roles in the theater and dance productions. But I am more pleased to introduce myself here as this year’s recipient of the Clover Foundation Heritage Hog Scholarship. I also serve on the Santa Clara County Junior Fair Board and I am in my eighth year as a young agriculturalist in the Hilltop 4-H Club. Our small club size means everyone has to pitch in helping each other with projects and taking on leadership roles. As club President, it is my responsibility to schedule meetings, create meeting agendas, delegate jobs, and to keep my executive board on task. Working together with other youth has also taught me about community, and how we need to support each other, be a good citizen, friend, leader, and competitor. It’s not all about winning, but the experiences that you get along the way. I plan to continue the team spirit and “learning by doing” I have learned in my livestock experience with new generations of young agriculturalists, as I leave for college in the Fall for a career in Agricultural Education. I will be raising a hog for the Clover Foundation to auction off at the 2018 Santa Clara County Fair. It will be my 9th hog. I look forward to coming around Santa Clara County over the next several months to talk with all of you about the Clover Foundation and youth in agriculture right here in Santa Clara County. I look forward to meeting you. If you are interested in having me speak with your group, please contact the Clover Foundation. I’ll be posting more about my year here in the the upcoming months.