This is an interest free loan to help with the purchase of your 4-H or FFA lamb, swine, meat goat, or steer.
Zero-interest Livestock Loans for 4-H and FFA market animals are available for youth residing in Santa Clara County. The money is available from the Ed Vargas Livestock Fund. Fill out the top portion of the application, then contact us for an interview appointment (see below).
Applicant interviews will be short – approx. 10-15 min. The interviews are intended to complement the real-life education provided by the FFA and 4-H programs. The deadlines for requesting an interview are: last Friday of September for Steers, Last Friday of February for Sheep, Swine, and Goat. Applicants will be notified of available times and places during the following week, but no later than the second Sunday following the deadline. The interviews will take place in mid-October for Steers and mid-March for other species. All that is needed for the request is your name, telephone number and/or email, zip code, and the species you wish to raise (see
Applicants must be residents of Santa Clara County. They must bring the application and an adult co-signer with them for their interview. Neither the applicant nor the co-signing adult should sign the application until the conclusion of a successful interview. Applicants need to request an interview time slot by sending an email to
Need More Information?
If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to email us:
Loan Amounts
- $1,200 for steer
- $400 for sheep, swine and market goat
What We Need From You
- Name
- Telephone Number and/or eMail address
- Species requested (Steer, sheep, swine or goat)
- Zipcode
- Application
- Steers: Last Friday of September
- Sheep, Swine, and Goat: Last Friday of February
Available funds may limit the number of loans granted, so do not delay in contacting the Foundation. Interviews will be granted to applicants in the order that applications were received. The challenge for applicants is to market their animal in such a way that they can earn funds to buy an animal for the following year.
Supporting the Local 4-H and FFA Youth Since 2000
- $98,600 in Scholarships
- $86,250 in Livestock Loans
- Support over 300 Youth
- $156,652 in Santa Clara County Junior Fair Support